Our Foundation

Discover how The Future of Hope Foundation came to be, what we do and how we see the future moving forward.

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Our work can benefit from all the support we can get. Everyone can and is welcome on our journey. See how you can help us grow, and help us reach more communities and people in need.

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Updates & Milestones

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Let's get started


Waste to Taste:
21st century food

An innovative organic dehydrated
mushroom and vegetable product.
Blue economy, zero waste.

What we've done so far


Community Trainers


Community Projects


Community Mentors


Direct Beneficiaries

Our foundation was founded by Chido Govera.

This young Zimbabwean woman grew up as an orphan, and turned into a parent at the age of 7, mothering her brother and caring for her nearly blind grandmother. At the age of 8, she had already experienced the worst possible abuse. She promised herself then that when she was older, she would save and protect other orphans from experiencing what she, and so many others, had suffered. She taught herself how to lead a self-determined life, and this led her to empower others to do the same. 

Discover the story of Chido Discover the Story of the Foundation

Recent updates

Mushroom Farmer Associations & Resource Hubs

Mushroom Framer Associations & Resource Hubs - a second Global Grant from the Rotary Foundation.

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The Mushroom Farmers' Shop

Our first one-stop shop where mushroom farmers can buy custom-packaged inputs for growing mushrooms and save time and money.

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Women Aiming High with Mushroom Production in Urban Areas - Epworth

Despite the pandemic Mushroom production in Zimbabwe's suburb is booming

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Promoting Reusable Sanitary Pads In Insiza

Insiza Community Women-led Reusable Sanitary Pads Project

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Rotary Foundation - Global Grant

The Future of Hope Foundation received in 2016 a Global Grant from the Rotary Foundation

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International Women’s Day

We @TFoHF wish you all a happy international women's day. Let's all continue to give women and girls hope and the tools they need to champion a better future for all!

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Your contribution helps us empower women